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Friday, June 23, 2006

Gael Garcia Bernal

R: Oh you're on
D: What's up?
R: There's a friend of my friend Lisa who I think you might like!!!
R: He's called Ford
R: Isn't that a sexy name?
R: And he's 25
R: + single
R: + cute
D: + what's wrong with him?
R: Nothing
R: OK, he's a little hard of hearing
D: Deaf huh?
D: Interesting...

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Naveen Andrews

R: I think Naveens lovely
R: No - beautiful
R: I could see us being happy together
R: We would have beautiful mocha latte babies
R: I'd thread beads in his hair
D: Usually I cut you down right about now
D: But I'm going to let you have this little fantasy River
R: Oh good!!
R: You can come over
R: And we'll all play charades and drink cheap red wine out of mugs